It is well known that ‘Rutherford used to divide science into physics and stamp collecting, but if the analogy were to be carried through, it would be reduced to ‘gadgeteering’ and stamp collecting’ (Bernal, J The Social Importance of Science1939 p. 9 ).
Physics seems to be one of the most complecated sciences, but with us it will become clear and comprehensive for you, because you will learn physics through experiments and interesting biographical facts, as if you were contemporaries of famous physicists.
Our Process & Philosophy
Classes are accompanied by experiments - physics is an experimental science.
The student learns science on his own through tasks and experiments with the help of a teacher.
Not a single thesis of the lesson will remain unclear and not a single question will remain unanswered.
With us you will know more than what is taught in your educational institution and learn chemistry better than all your classmates.
I can’t believe how fast my test scores improved!”
We shall help you to prepare for the highest score in chemistry according to the schedule convenient for you at the time you need.
With our teachers you can complete the course as fast as you want. With us you will be able to complete a course in 3 weeks of intensive studies, which takes a year in a regular school!
Schedule a Free Consultation Today
You can schedule a free consultation where we can test your knowledge, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and create a class schedule.
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Let’s Learn Together!
With us, everything complex and incomprehensible will become extremely clear and accessible.